Save Space with these 5 Versatile Ingredients for Your Caravanning Trip

Save Space with these 5 Versatile Ingredients for Your Caravanning Trip

With mobile living comes limited space, despite all the advances we have seen with caravans in recent years. That being said, the fact remains that you need to shed that extra baggage and pack smart. Designers are constantly at work to devise smart storage solutions by the way of multipurpose furniture, compact appliances, retractable shelving and so forth.

One aspect of your packing that can either be overlooked or have you frustrated if not planned is your food. Carrying enough food to feed the whole family for the duration of your stint, for 3 meals a day plus snacks can amount to a large volume of groceries which you then need to figure out where to store it all and can pose a challenge. As such, a little planning can go a long way when it comes to selecting your go-to recipes along with their ingredients, for your on-road meals. Here are 5 versatile ingredients that will save you space  as well as working  in a number of preparations and cooking styles.

  1. Whole Wheat Tortilla-

Tortillas are flat so they will save you a heap of space when compared to a loaf of bread, as well as easily working its way into your meals. You can eat them fresh or toast them. Use with your favourite spreads, fillings or dips, so you really can use these for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack. If you’re not a fan of tortillas, you can substitute with a flatbread of choice.

  1. Sardines & Tuna-
    Canned sardines or tuna are a handy ingredient to keep in your caravan. They generally come in small easy to store tins and thus have a long shelf life. They make for a tasty snack on toast, or use as a sandwich filling or baguette topping, add to your spaghetti or toss through a salad. There is an endless number of recipes that you can incorporate them into, and both sardines and and tuna are a great source of protein and omega-3.
  2. Yoghurt-

Yoghurt is a tasty yet healthy addition to your food regime. It can be used as a replacement for sour cream or coconut cream. You can easily add it into a dips, salad dressings and sauces and in doing so you will end up with healthier, low-fat alternative to the original recipes. Though yoghurt has a low shelf life, carrying small yoghurt packets will help you whip some up whenever you need it. You can also get re-usable pouches for single serves which can help preserve the longevity and make it a cheaper alternative.

  1. Rice-

Rice is a basic yet versatile essential for most people’s diets. When it comes to purchasing, we are spoilt for choice with a number of varieties and size available. There is also the ready made pouch and cup options available too which are pre-portioned, minimising clean-up and waste. Rice is easy to pair with meat, vegetables, eggs, beans and lentils for a delicious yet filling meal.

  1. Canned chickpeas-
    Chickpeas in general lend themselves to an array of different cuisines. And the canned variety in particular is great as a caravanning staple, because it just needs to be soaked in water to become edible. Fashion chickpeas into protein-rich vegan salads or one-pot preparations with vegetables, spices and dressings of your choice.

Now you can put some of your storage-space woes to rest this caravanning holiday. These versatile ingredients will save you not only some extra space in your caravan, but also some extra time so you can quit worrying and start having fun with food instead!



DISCLAIMER* Please note, this advice is general in nature and we strongly recommend consulting the product manual and where relevant, a professional installer.

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