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We've partnered with Camplify to bring you the best caravan and camping products to put in your vehicle before hiring it out!


Get Your Vehicle Ready for Hire

Whether you have a van, motorhome or camper trailer, we have everything you need to get it ready for hire with Camplify. From a Dometic air conditioner to a Bushman upright fridge, a gas water heater to an Enerdrive battery charger, you’ll find a whole caravan full of products to make Camplify customers happy, wherever they travel. Air coolers, washing machines, generators and batteries…we’ve got it covered! Speaking of covers, we have caravan covers to protect your vehicle when it’s not in use.

Our range includes only the best caravan accessory brands, so you can be sure your products are extremely reliable. Find brands including Dometic, Enerdrive, Coast to Coast, Yamaha, Evakool, Goal Zero, and more. We know from experience that they offer the best quality products with warranties to give you extra peace of mind. And with such a wide range of accessories and appliances to choose from, you can be sure to find the right fit for your vehicle and your budget.

Browse our range to kit out your vehicle ready for a Camplify adventure.

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