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The Wuli story


Wuli (Where U left it) evolved on Australia Day when the inventor Mark Smeeton was watching a current affairs show about a retired couple that had had their caravan stolen from outside their home just prior to embarking of their much anticipated grey nomad adventure around Australia.


This couples dreams had suddenly gone south. Mark believed there should be a way to minimise theft of not only caravans but any non-motorised vehicles. It needed to be easy for people to use, effective, affordable and have minimal ongoing costs.


So the journey began, numerous prototypes, hours of testing, Mark has developed exactly that, a device that is easy to install, inexpensive to maintain and will let owners feel more secure in the knowledge that their valuable asset is more difficult for thieves to steal, it can even remain activated while you sleep.


Customers can now be reassured that their asset is more likely to be where u left it.

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